
Correctly choose the terminal box (1)

发布时间: 作者: 超级管理员 查看: 601

Correctly choose the terminal box (1)

       To choose a waterproof junction box, we need to know the basic three elements.

       First: how many A and how many terminals are needed inside ? we can get the A number according to "power/voltage=current".

      Second: Do we need to open holes for in and out line processing? How many lines in and out are needed. That is to know how many sets of lines are in and how many sets of lines are out. For example, we need a junction box with one input and four output, and our line is 3*2.5 square, then If we want the box for standard configuration, we need a 12-bit terminal,And the specific algorithm is four out*3 core wire=12.

